A downloadable game for Windows

This is a game made in 48 hours for the volcano game jam 2021 of Reunion Island.

"Wait for your water at home! Without going on strike!" FedEau.

You are the water manager.

Your task is to distribute water on the island.

Transport water to the inhabitants, but be careful to make the lake water drinkable before giving it to them, and desalinate the seawater before making it drinkable.


  • WASD or ZQSD: move
  • Left or right arrows: rotate the camera
  • Down arrow key (hold): load water
  • Up arrow key: throw water
  • Space: jump
  • Esc: pause or resume
  • Enter: submit


FedEau x64.rar 25 MB
FedEau x86.rar 22 MB


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Nous avons remarqué un petit bug d'affichage sur l'infobulle et les feux du volcan, merci d'utiliser une résolution de 1366x768 pour avoir un affichage optimal, merci :)